In-studio appearance at ‘New Day Cleveland’ discussing DIY Home Beauty Remedies, such as using ginger ale to cure yellow nails.
Save money while upping your beauty! Lisa Stewart from Solia Spa stopped by to teach Good Day Cleveland viewers some easy and effective DIY beauty tricks!
Check them out:
Place chilled green tea bags on tired eyes to reduce puffiness.
Mix baking soda and water together to form a paste. Baking soda is a powerful exfoliant and can help with the treatment of blackheads
Out of acne cream? Crush a few Advil or aspirin and mix with water to create a paste (or open an Advil gel capsule), and leave the paste or gel on problem spots overnight. Add a Band-Aid to keep it in place. Dissolve a tablet of salicylic-acid rich aspirin in a small amount of water and apply the paste directly to your pimple.
Take a few drops of olive oil or coconut oil and apply it on the cheekbones, where you usually put on the blusher. This will give your face an instant glow.
Take some sugar, add lemon juice and a few drops of olive oil to it. Mix it well and use it as a face scrubber. Olive oil will moisten your skin, sugar will remove dead cells, and lemon juice will naturally bleach your skin.
Green apple works great in bringing back the lost glow. Apply the pulp of green apple on your skin. This will not only make your skin radiant and fair, but also circulates the blood well.
Smooth dryer sheets over your hair to de-frizz mid-day
Ginger Ale to cure yellowed nails. Ginger ales contain soluble salts, like monopotassium phosphate, sodium benzoate, and potassium sorbate – that act as preservatives or emulsifiers. These will also naturally bleach your nails. Fill a small bowl with ginger ale and submerge nails for 10 minutes twice a week.
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